Special Sauce

A mish-mash of twisted thoughts from a fevered ego. Updated when the spirit moves me, contents vary and may have settled during shipping. Do not open towards eyes. Caution: Ingestion of Special Sauce may cause hair loss, halitosis, and a burning sensation while urinating.


PS- An open letter to my classmates

To the guy who sits behind me-

Perhaps if you'd have spent as much time last semester on our group project, as you did on writing up little valentines during class today, our group would have gotten a much better grade.

Grow up,


To the chick who generally sleeps through class,

Congratulations for either discovering coffee, quitting your stripper job, or getting bitched out by the profs for sleeping through a 7 credit lecture course. They don't care if you show up or not. If you're that fucking tired, tell your pimp you're gonna stay home.



To the profs,

I realize that 4 hours is a long-ass time, but having 3 different schizophrenic lectures, one of which is on the test next week, two aren't, oh, and the one yesterday isn't, but part of today's that I didn't cover, IS.... is just really fucking confusing...

Lets try to cover stuff in order, in depth, and in some semblance of sanity.



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